-Here is the deal:
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question. And there you have it...
01 How does the world see me? yellow
02 Will I have a happy life? had enough
03 What do my friends really think of me? how can we be lovers...haha.really? (:
04 Do people secretly lust after me? make damn sure...WHOA.okay.
05 How can you be happy? breathe
06 What should I do with my life? fall to pieces
07 Why must life be so full of pain? yesterday feelings
08 Will I ever have children? obviously..HAHAHA.that's funny (:
09 Will I die happy? every beat of my heart
10 What is some good advice for me? one way jesus
11 What is happiness? breakfast at tiffany's...i'll make sure i have lunch and dinner as well (:
12 What's my favourite fetish? champagne supernova
13 How will I be remembered? sweet child of mine...yay! :D
14 What is your love life like? here is gone ):
15 What's your life motto? stand by me
16 What do your parents think of you? only one...heh.of course! i'm the only daughter (:
17 What's your favourite hobby? counting the stars...man.i've got better things to do? :/
18 What does your best friend really think of you? you're a God...HAHA! i knew it! thank you thank you! :D
19 What's the worst thing about you? numb
20 Describe your mind. far away
21 How will you die? over my head
22 How does your crush feel about you? part of your world...yeah.i wish :/
23 What is your wedding going to be like? complete...ya man :D
24 What about your honeymoon? i think we're alone now
25 Describe the last day of your life. the ghost of you
26 Why does life suck? shut up
27 Why does life rule? L.O.V.E
28 What will you be famous for? london bridge...HUH?
29 What's the craziest thing you'll ever do? two a.m love sick...i'll be asleep by then (:
30 Will you achieve your goals? i write sins, not tragedies
31 What will your future job be like? de javu
32 Your party life? free
33 Overall, will you be happy? more than words
34 Or will you just deal with it? i want to go home
haha.some just don't make sense but it was fun lah. (: oh ya.before i forget...
anyway went school to study yesterday.i had only 5 hours of sleep the previous night and i was dead tried.thank God for coffee. (: haha.it was quite productive in the morning cos the canteen was very quiet since everyone had chinese paper.heh.cheryl and i purposely go to school in the morning to spite people.haha.kidding kidding. (: managed to finish my integration tutorial and some chem MCQs but then when afternoon came, i wasn't really in the mood to study anymore.sigh.after maths extra lesson i swear i could have just died of heat stroke. :( the weather was freaking hot and i was having a slight fever which made matter worse.AHHHH...so i tried to study a bit of chem but gave up in the end.went to library to cool ourselves down then ended up reading through some laselle fashion mag and national geographic mag featuring sea monsters.haha.went town to eat with cheryl after that. (:
went mom's office to help her out with clearing her piles of nonsense cos she has to move office soon to somewhere nearby.oh ya.we managed to catch this couple making out in the car while my mom was parking her car? scandalous shit.haha.but then it's the perfect place cos it gets really dark in botanical gardens at night.the lightings weren't that good so ya. :/ anyway i took some pictures of her office for remembrance.haha. (:

i wonder what's lurking inside.my mom said it's haunted. ):

cute right the monkey? (:
my mom's name (:
the messiest office award goes to....dearest mommy! (:
went to explore around the office and we found a guitar.my bro's just being action-pac. :D
i'll miss her office though it's terribly haunted.haha. (: gonna watch the repeat telecast of prison break later.mark said it's a damn good show.
chem for now.bye (:
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